Calibrachoa parviflora
Calibrachoa parviflora
All Calibrachoa parviflora

The best programmable series. It is well-branched with brilliant colours and outstanding performance, high uniformity in various pot sizes.

Cabaret® Compact
Within Calibrachoa we offer the attractive Conga. This series is very compact and needs almost no PGRs at all. Conga is the ideal Calibrachoa for environment-friendly...

Cabaret® Double
Next to our successful Cabaret we also offer Can-Can Rosies. The well-selected varieties in this series have full double flowers with medium semi-trailing...

Cabaret® Double MixMasters®

Cabaret® Early
The best programmable series. It is well-branched with brilliant colours and outstanding performance, high uniformity in various pot sizes.

Cabaret® MixMasters®
The uniform plant habit and flowering time make Cabaret the perfect Calibrachoa to mix. Very suitable for mixed pots and baskets. Ready-made for consumers...