Helleborus Advent Star Event

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Enthusiastic customers from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany delivered plant material and watched the presentation in a garden centre setting for 28 days.

On 23 November, we evaluated the trials and organised an entertaining Helleborus Advent Star Event. This allowed growers to see the results of their own plant material.
During this event, we discussed the two lines, 'Advent Star Early' and 'Advent Star'.

Led by our Product Manager Willem-Jan Troost and our German colleague Sven Magnussen, with a lot of technical knowledge about Helleborus, fascinating discussions were held.
'Advent Star' and 'Advent Star Early' were widely praised for its compact structure, good bud occupancy, large flowers, and market-oriented early and plannable flowering.

All in all, a very successful event that definitely asks for a follow-up!

Go to our Helleborus Advent Star Solutions page