Trials bring the future
At Florensis, decent Trials bring us the data and knowledge to provide you with the best genetics and complete series. We use a proven method based upon our Product Life Cycle principle to test our products when our breeders and partners believe they are ready for the next step. In this blog we give an insight in the day-to-day jobs of our Trial coordinators; Kaat Knevels, Tessa Hoogenraad and Judith Cort Rovira. We will explain how we are able to introduce next level genetics matching your direct needs and fitting specific market trends.

Cooperate to operate
In the past six years Kaat Knevels has developed an unmatched eye for quality. The trials she does in cooperation with our Corporate Product Managers and Trial Garden give us the first raw data. These facts are then discussed in specific crop teams where we choose the right varieties matching already existing series. In the case of a completely new introduced crop, like our new Mandevilla Diamantina range, a full assortment is monitored from beginning to end. With all of these different things going on all at once it’s important to stay in touch within our own organization but certainly with you as our direct peer. This is why we try to cooperate to really make a valid selection that brings you profit in the long run.

Segments within segments
As a Trial coordinator Tessa Hoogenraad is the linking pin in the introduction process of the Florensis product range. In the past three years she has been able to provide our Corporate Product Managers and Trial Garden with clear insights to define the perfect USP’s for making an outstanding assortment, like our improved Ostespermum Dalina segmentation. Another example is our new Calibrachoa segmentation, which gives a clear deviation between several habits and uses. In this way we are able to provide you a clear choice for making a perfect fit in your program. Every series that is then selected ends up being tested on habit, uniformity and most important: reliability.

A wide scope of interest
Our newest team member, Judith Cort Rovira, brings a new way to look at Trials in the company. Where our team was pretty Dutch, we mixed that up in the past years. Coming from the South of Europe Judith brings those extra insights that makes our assortment even more usable throughout Europe. Together with her fellow Trial coordinators, Judith is in close contact with our Corporate Product Managers and Product Development Specialists to trial our products. She also performs trials at specific partners during the pre-commercial phase. These external trials result in an unbiased selection based on peers opinions in the industry and enables us to select products that really fulfill your needs. One of the best examples of this is our highly anticipated Osteospermum range we update yearly with specific qualifications gathered by talking to you at your company, but also during our Pack Trials and yearly Flower Trials show.
How to visit our Trials
During the year we organize several events to show you our novelties, improvements on existing genetics or exciting Solutions. All of these are worth a visit for sure, especially if you enjoy a good talk with a nice drink. Every year in week 24 we have our Flower Trials that is the highlight of our calendar. During this festive week we open our show garden with a bang as a start of our Solutions Summer. A sneak preview of what we have in store for you can always be checked a few weeks before, during our Pack Trials, and of course via our well-known Solutions pages.
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