Salvia Mysty

- Too blue to be true
- An ideal Bee and Butterfly food drive in
- Flowering till the first frost
- Has a very wide sales window
- Environmental friendly to grow because the need for growth regulators is very low
- Growers are able to utilize their tight space very efficient
- Perfect for new mix combinations
The blue pollinator-friendly mix buddy!
Are you looking for the perfect Salvia for planning your bedding plant? You can stop your search, it’s already available : Salvia Mysty is only for two years on the market and it is already considered to be classic.
With its large intense too blue to be true flower spikes Salvia Mysty is a perfect buddy for pollinators. Its heat tolerance gives pollinators a better chance to get through the summer in gardens all over Europe.
The perfect partner for mix combos
Mysty grows early, naturally compact and uniform which makes it a high value product in smaller pot sizes and makes it suitable for more pots per m2. The growth character of Mysty also gives you a special element in creative new mix combinations.
Many Salvias have the disadvantage to be either to vigorous our to be to compact in mixed planting. This issue is solved with Salvia Mysty. It’s the perfect partner for mix combos. It is not overgrowing the other components, nor is it vanishing. Salvia Mysty won the IPM 2018 novelty price for bedding and balcony plants and is awarded as the bedding and balcony plant of the year in several federal states of Austria and Germany.
The Bee and Butterfly food drive in!
Mysty is an ideal choice for any bee friendly assortment. Combine it with Bidens Blazing Glory or Sixbi Pop, Lobularia Easy Breezy and Euphorbia Euphoria for attractive, convenience offers. Also Heliotrope Honey Blue or Verbena Lobster Fest are perfect partners for such sales combinations.
A pollinator friendly choice is visible on this picture: Bidens Blazing Glory, Lobularia Easy Breezy Pink, Euphorbia Euphoria, Salvia Mysty.
Mysty & Friends are also ideal for colourful mix trolley presentations.
Mysty & Friends in 3 liter pots, Calibrachoa Carabret Special Bumblebee Blue, Petunia Bee’s Knees, Calibrachoa Can Can Rosies Blue Impr., Calibrachoa Can Can Rosies Yellow, Salvia Mysty. The picture is taken in week 17, 2022 at the Florensis Pack Trials in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, The Netherlands.
Mysty & Friends!
Colourful mix combinations for easy selling and high consumer satisfaction. The picture is taken in week 17, 2022 at the Florensis Pack Trials in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, The Netherlands.


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Mysty & Friends
- Salvia Mysty and Friends is a retail concept of perfectly balanced mixes with the Salvia Mysty as basic variety. The Salvia Mysty is very flexible and adapts itself to almost each pot size. This blue beauty fits greatly to many other colours and varieties of for instance Calibrachoa, Petunia and Verbena.
- A
- Achillea Milly Rock
- Aquilegia Earlybird™
- Aster Alpha®
- Aubrietia Solutions
- B
- Beautiversity
- Begonia Groovy
- Begonia Juwel
- Bracteantha Crispy
- C
- Calibrachoa Cabaret® Solutions
- Coleus Flame Thrower™
- Cuphea Myrtis®
- D
- Dahlia Solutions
- Delphinium Delphinity
- Deslosperma Solutions
- Dianthus Dart
- Dianthus Silver Stars®
- Dry Spot
- E
- Echinacea Lakota™
- Echinacea Sombrero®
- Euphorbia Euphoria®
- G
- Gaillardia Guapa
- Geranium Bloom Me Away
- H
- Heliotropium Honey Blue
- Helleborus Advent Star
- Hot Spot®
- I
- Impatiens Clockwork™
- Impatiens Glimmer
- Impatiens walleriana Beacon®
- L
- Lantana Shamrock
- Lavandula Lovers
- Lobularia Easy Breezy™
- M
- Mandevilla Diamantina®
- Mandevilla Sundaville®
- Monarda Balmy
- Mysty & Friends
- O
- Osteospermum Dalina®
- P
- Pelargonium Galaxy
- Pelargonium Moonflair®
- Pelargonium Toscana®
- Perovskia Bluesette
- Petchoa Beautical™
- Petunia Amore™
- Petunia Bee's Knees
- Petunia Easy Wave®
- Petunia Go!Tunia®
- Petunia Viva®
- Phlox Fabulous
- Pom Pom F1 Early
- Portulaca Pazzaz Nano
- Primula Obsidian
- Primula PrimeTime
- R
- Ranunculus Vortex
- Rhodanthemum Solutions
- Rudbeckia Rudy
- S
- Salvia Mirage™
- Salvia Mysty
- Sanvitalia Santiago
- Saxifraga Solutions
- Scaevola Fancy
- Scaevola Surdiva®
- Sedum Seduction
- Spring Break
- Sutera Megacopa™
- T
- The Bee Drive-in
- The New Blues
- V
- Verbena Segmentation
- Veronica Anniversary
- Vertical MixMasters
- Z
- Zinnia Zen Impr.